Kris Vallotton: Just Another ‘Word of Faith’ False Teacher

Kris Vallotton ~ A minion of Satan!

Repent Bethel Redding

003_Vallotton WoF (2)I’ve written extensively regarding the false gospel of Kris Vallotton. I’m grateful to friends like Bart McCurdy who regularly provide me with information regarding the Bethel Redding cult and its leaders. Bart made me aware of the image to the left, which Vallotton posted on his Facebook page. The text reads:

“The way God creates history is by anointing people to see the future from His perspective and call it into existence.”

The heretical and idolatrous notion that people can, by the force of their words spoken in faith, can literally create and call things into existence is standard jargon from a demonic movement known as “Word of Faith.”

An article posted on the website explains:

“Word of Faith teaching is decidedly unbiblical. It is not a denomination and does not have a formal organization or hierarchy. Instead, it is a movement that is heavily influenced by…

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